in Theme Updates

Eero 1.2.3

Eero has been updated to version 1.2.3. Here’s what we improved:

Improved Logger

Improved Theme Settings Auto Updater

Updated and merged html5shiv into modernizr plugin

Updated modernizr plugin

Improved menu code

Updated WooCommerce templates and improved compatibility

Updated Lazysizes and extensions

Updated animate.css

Improve Embeds support

Improved customizer range control

Improved customizer custom css control

Updated respondjs plugin

Improved logo code

Improved projects page code to prevent “flash” upon initial image loading

Improved user profile widget, now lazy load images

Lazy load gravatars

Updated Google Fonts

Added new social icons

Improved pagination for shop page

Theme updates are available for download with an active service subscription. Remember to refer to our Theme Update Best Practice Checklist for step-by-step instructions before updating your theme.