Made 3.0.0

Made has been updated to version 3.0.0. Here’s what’s included:

The update to Made 3.0.0 is the most significant Made theme release since its creation. This theme update marks a complete rebuild of the code base from the ground up on the powerful hybrid core framework. Made is now better poised to grow into its full potential

Theme updates are available for download with an active service subscription. Remember to refer to our Theme Update Best Practice Checklist for step-by-step instructions before updating your theme.

Made 2.2.9

Made has been updated to version 2.2.9. Here’s what we improved:

Fixed bug inhibiting google fonts from working on footer text

Theme updates are available for download with an active service subscription. Remember to refer to our Theme Update Best Practice Checklist for step-by-step instructions before updating your theme.

Made 2.2.7

Made has been updated to version 2.2.7. Here’s what we improved:

Added function to all galleries to select full image size or retina display load option

Theme updates are available for download with an active service subscription. Remember to refer to our Theme Update Best Practice Checklist for step-by-step instructions before updating your theme.

Made 2.2.6

Made has been updated to version 2.2.6. Here’s what we improved:

Fixed bug in masonry gallery slideshow

Theme updates are available for download with an active service subscription. Remember to refer to our Theme Update Best Practice Checklist for step-by-step instructions before updating your theme.

Made 2.2.5

Made has been updated to version 2.2.5. Here’s what we improved:

Fixed tree menu behavior now causing sub menu to remain expanded while viewing page

Fixed menu line height issue related to cascade menu

Theme updates are available for download with an active service subscription. Remember to refer to our Theme Update Best Practice Checklist for step-by-step instructions before updating your theme.

Made 2.2.4

Made has been updated to version 2.2.4. Here’s what’s included:

Added HiDPI Retina 2x support to gallery templates

Theme updates are available for download with an active service subscription. Remember to refer to our Theme Update Best Practice Checklist for step-by-step instructions before updating your theme.

Made 2.2.2

Made has been updated to version 2.2.2. Here’s what we improved:

Fixed gallery bug causing images to start smaller and then “snap” to the larger size

Fixed bug playing audio on videos even after the lightbox has been closed

Theme updates are available for download with an active service subscription. Remember to refer to our Theme Update Best Practice Checklist for step-by-step instructions before updating your theme.

Made 2.2.1

Made has been updated to version 2.2.1. Here’s what we improved:

Added option to customizer > galleries > masonry gallery to allow full image size to be loaded

Theme updates are available for download with an active service subscription. Remember to refer to our Theme Update Best Practice Checklist for step-by-step instructions before updating your theme.